Participant Medical Check-in
Review Links
 Ensure that the report(spreadsheet) of participant's information is loaded on this system and open for access.
Expanding report text to Verdana 11 pt font helps readability. 
If Participant's AHMR is in T1, T2, T3, or "submitted", then use these links:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Obtain the 515 # from the Excel Spreadsheet - Copy and paste to the login for the appropriate Tier Review
AHMR Links
Scan Needed Documents; save to new folder; delete documents when complete
Additional Information
Adult T&C
Youth T&C
 AHMR scan not present, or corrupted/unreadable

If participant not found on report,leave username and password blank and hit continue, they will be asked to create username and password.

Participant must write down username and password.

The 515# will be necessary for the T1 review to approve.

To get 515# for participants from A,B,C, call 210-302-2842. For participants from D,F, call 210-305-3277

Requires T1 review after completion to change status to Approved. Requires 515# from spreadsheet.

 Additional information or changes to Part, A,B,C or Insurance Card. 
Does not require T1 review to change status.
 18 years or older

Copy/Paste username and password from spreadsheet.
Have the participant view the screen and verbally agree to Ts & Cs.
​Requires T1 review after completion to change status to Approved.​ Requires 515# from spreadsheet

 17 Years or younger​

Copy/Paste username and password from spreadsheet.

Obtain verbal permission for parent/guardian via phone if not present. Document this conversation in the T1 review comment field.

Requires T1 review after completion to change status to Approved. Requires 515# from spreadsheet.